DCO – Digital Camera Obscura
The student of optics and one of the greatest Muslim physicist Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥaytham (965–1039) observed that light coming through a small hole in the window shutters produced in a darkened room an upside-down image on the opposite wall; an eventual explanation that vision was made possible because of the refraction of light rays. It is amazing that in the period of some 200 years before Renaissance arab world scientists like Ibn al-Haytam pushed the limits of the optics and sciences in the known world of those times. These eventually lead to the invention of camera obscura.1
A pinhole camera, commonly known as »Camera Obscura« (latin for dark room), is a dark cavity where light can fall in through a little whole. On the opposite side of the whole an upsite down, mirror-wrong image of the large-far-world forms. Looking back to the contributions to the scientific, creative and artistic realms the role of camera obscura marks one of the most important discoveries. Original problems arise in other form also with the DCO, however us the new, manipulate and medium capable for editing and comes digital to property! An appropriate computer often commodity provides remedy and converts the picture according to user desires, so that one gets the image in jet time time on the laptop.
»This workshop explores the origins of photography with the use of modern digital photographic technology.« Prof. Felix Beck, NYUAD, 2016
»Collaborate and learn, take a new look on old Dubai and draw with light on Dubai creek.« Prof. Zlatan Filipovic, AUS, 2016
A collaboration of Prof. Felix Beck, Prof. Zlatan Filipovic, Evgenija Filova.
1001 Inventions, The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilisation, Salim T.S. Al-Hassani, 2012 ↩